Flusterclux With Lynn Lyons: For Parents Who Worry

Season 2

March 12, 2021

Families & The Power of Listening

We talk a lot about the power of words...teaching kids to put words to their feelings, modeling emotional literacy. But the flip side of talking—the critical flip side—is listening. What happens when you don’t feel heard? What’s the toll on your mental health, royal or not? When our kids and teens …

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March 5, 2021

The Bad Advice That Makes Anxiety Worse

There's a lot of bad advice out there to weed through when so many claim to be parenting or anxiety experts. But some well-meaning advice will actually strengthen your child's anxious habits, and Lynn Lyons explains why.

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Feb. 26, 2021

COVID Fatigue & The Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

All parents need this pep talk about managing COVID fatigue. And we recast a very popular episode. Anxiety shows up in the body—headaches, tummy troubles, and more. We talk about how understanding the mind body connection can help manage the physical symptoms of anxiety for you and your kids.

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Feb. 19, 2021

Parenting, Perfectionism, and Anxiety: How We Reward Its Toxicity

Perfectionism and anxiety create a torture chamber we don't want to model for kids. When we reward excellence, how do we know when it becomes toxic? We explain how a parents can check their own behaviors as well as what to look for and say to their kids. Robin and Lynn discuss recent episodes on t…

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Feb. 12, 2021

Romance & Resentment: Co-Parenting Tips You Need Now

This pandemic has disproportionately impacted mothers. It's putting our relationships to the test. So as we work to support our kids, there are traps we all fall into our our relationships. We talk about learning to ask for help in the right way, dropping that defensiveness, reducing that resentmen…

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Feb. 5, 2021

High Anxiety & Good Grades: Our Toxic Achievement Culture

We end Season 2 with a bang of an episode. Finishing off our conversation about preventing anxiety in our kids, we tackle the toxicity of our achievement culture. It’s so normalized it’s invisible to us. And we answer a listener question about how to develop a strong work ethic in her 8 year old tw…

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Jan. 29, 2021

The Anxiety Vaccine pt 2: What Parents Can Do Right Now

As we face a mental health crisis alongside the pandemic that we really focus on the emotional management skills that we can teach our children. It's an effective way to immunize them against emotional difficulties by talking about their emotions, raising their awareness of them, and parents modeli…

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Jan. 22, 2021

The Anxiety Vaccine: Can Parents Prevent Anxiety Disorders in their K…

While we wait for a vaccine distribution plan to address our global pandemic, there is a mental health crisis happening simultaneously. Our numbers for anxiety were alarming even before 2020, and now, yikes. But there ways parents can promote a skill-based immunization strategy for our family’s men…

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Jan. 15, 2021

Supporting Teens in the Pandemic: How They Need Us Most

Teens are part of the age group hardest hit by the impact of the pandemic. Missing out on both the social development and high school's rituals, teens are losing motivation, sleep, and connection. Here's how to help them.

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Jan. 8, 2021

Helping Kids With Shame & Self-Harm and the Parent Message in Pixar's…

How do you support your children who feel shame very intensely? They feel shame so intensely that it might include self harming practices. What do you say when children say "I feel no worth?" Or "I can't believe I did that," or "I'm so stupid." How do you support your children who handle their mist…

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Jan. 1, 2021

The Most Powerful Resolution: Earning a Black Belt in Emotional Manag…

At the end of a stressful year after paying tribute to those in the mental health field, Lynn gives us a road map for what personal growth really looks like. From therapy, to books, to podcasts, when we do this work, what are we working towards? What does it look like when you become a black belt i…

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Dec. 25, 2020

How Silliness and Laughter Can Be Your Best Parenting Tool

Silliness has never been a more a critical parenting tool than in 2020. Here's how to use it to make manage your anxiety and make your kids feel safe. Creating "joy" with your family may sound like too much pressure, so we break it down to a few 2 minute increments of joy. And we discuss the toxic …

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Dec. 22, 2020

Tough Dynamics At The Holidays: Blended Families and Angry Teens

For some families, holidays bring out their toughest dynamics. How do divorced parents manage a blended holiday putting their kids first? What if you have a house of angry teenagers with one of them recently in crisis? Is it possible to enjoy your holiday at home when all they want to do is fight? …

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Dec. 18, 2020

Covid's Excuse: The Family You Won't Miss This Holiday

What if COVID is giving you a pass this year that relieves you? What if you're glad to miss a family holiday? One listener hates Christmas because of her overbearing and difficult mother? How do you set boundaries with your parents? And is it ever too late?

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Dec. 16, 2020

Santaphobia: Why Santa Freaks Some Kids Out

Santaphobia is real. Santa can freak some kids out. How do you help your child who’s afraid Santa will bring COVID into the house? How do you help the child who doesn’t want to hear anything at all about Santa? And how can the Santa story creep into toxic territory when used as a threatening or sha…

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Dec. 11, 2020

Holiday Grief From COVID Chaos: A Pep Talk

What if your kids are freaking out that they can't celebrate their December holidays in the usual way this year? What if you are? Parents have an exceptional burden this year trying to make magic when they probably don't feel it. How do you manage the disappointment everyone feels and find inspirat…

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Dec. 4, 2020

Social Anxiety, Teens, And A Pandemic

If you have an anxious tween or teen who didn't like joining in before, how do you support them in a pandemic with remote learning? And another parent asks about her six year old's struggles with blaming others and finding friends. What do you say to the child who says, "Nobody likes me?"

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Nov. 29, 2020

Flusterclux: For Parents Who Worry

Lynn Lyons, therapist, author, and speaker is one of the world's experts on helping parents, kids, and teens manage anxiety. She talks with co-host and sister-in-law Robin Hutson in a weekly podcast free of psychobabble and full of concrete advice to help parents and their manage worry. Her strateg…

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Nov. 27, 2020

Unpacking your family's baggage about anger, grief, and worry

Just because your Thanksgiving table will have empty chairs this year, doesn't mean that your family's dynamics aren't with you.What did you learn about handling anger, sadness, and worry as a child from your family? How does that affect your parenting? We unpack our family baggage in this episode …

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Nov. 20, 2020

Reassurance Traps: How to Know When Anxiety Is In Control

Our kids turned to us for reassurance, and anxious kids ask for a lot of it. When we tell them everything will be fine, it feels like the right thing to do in the moment. But is it? How does our well-meaning reassurance interfere with our children developing critical psychological skills? And what …

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Nov. 13, 2020

What I Wish Everyone Knew About Gratitude

We'll hear a lot of hype about gratitude with the holidays coming. We'll go over how gratitude is proven to help you and how you may have been thinking about it all wrong. What are gratitude's powers? And what are its limits? And one listener asks what to do for her usually studious freshman, who's…

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Nov. 6, 2020

The Physical Symptoms of Anxiety: What You Need to Know

Anxiety shows up in the body—headaches, tummy troubles, and more. We talk about how understanding the mind body connection can help manage the physical symptoms of anxiety for you and your kids.

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Oct. 30, 2020

Listeners Ask: Difficult Mothers-in-law and Middle School Slobs

When your middle schooler is the opposite of a perfectionist— dirty hair, dirty room, indifference to academics, we discuss. And how do you parent your anxious kids in front of unsupportive in-laws? We’ll answer that question in this week’s episode of Flusterclux with Lynn Lyons, the show for real …

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Oct. 23, 2020

How to prevent depression and understand your risk factors

Winter is coming; let's talk about how to prevent depression. While 2020 has put anxiety center stage, there are risk factors that can bring about depression, too. What are they? And if you have them, what can you do? Lynn answers a listener question about a 13 year old and if she is depressed or a…

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