Flusterclux With Lynn Lyons: For Parents Who Worry

Season 5

March 10, 2023

When a Teen's Mental Health Is Costing Her Friends

We want our teens to be able to talk openly about their struggles, but in this listener question, a mom struggles with her daughter’s ability to manage a peer’s demand for accommodation. When anxiety becomes identity, what’s ...

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March 3, 2023

OCD in Kids: Listener Questions on Medication and Compulsive Apologiz…

In this episode Lynn answers listener questions for families dealing with OCD patterns in their kids, including when and if to start medication in addition to therapy, how to handle compulsive apologizing, and the key to appl...

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Feb. 24, 2023

How To Teach Your Kids To Handle Disappointment

When things don’t go the way we plan or hope, powerful feelings show up. Disappointment is common, and the smaller you are, the bigger it feels. How do we help our children learn to manage this emotion as they mature? In this...

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Feb. 17, 2023

Unpacking the Parenting Styles on ABC TV's "The Parent Test"

The recent ABC-TV show The Parent Test has sparked much discussion, so Robin and Lynn (skeptically) decided to dive in. In each episode, parents with different “styles” of parenting are given challenges to complete with their...

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Feb. 10, 2023

Handling Embarrassment

We asked our podcast listeners to share embarrassing stories and, boy, did they deliver. Humiliating moments happen to everyone, but as you’ll notice with the stories we share, often feel so much more devastating to tweens an...

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Feb. 3, 2023

Helping Your Kids Handle Medical Procedures

Does you child freak out when it’s time for a shot? Or a blood draw? A strep test? And what about more extensive treatments? We’ve been getting many questions about how to approach this common and powerful fear. In this episo...

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Jan. 27, 2023

When Kids' Sleep Issues Are Actually Anxiety Issues

Worries that show up at night seem to hold special power. They are discussed, analyzed, and often treated as a “going to sleep issue” instead of anxiety that happens to show up at bedtime. It’s understandable. Problems at bed...

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Jan. 20, 2023

We're Talking to Teens the Wrong Way About Their Mental Health

This is a juicy episode— and a really important one for all concerned about the mental health trends with our teens. After over thirty years in the mental health field, Lynn addresses very directly her concerns about the mess...

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Jan. 13, 2023

When Your Worry Is a Dress Rehearsal for Tragedy, Here's How To Stop

Worry is a part of parenting and can help us plan ahead and problem solve. But when it becomes more constant, you may get stuck in a pattern of rehearsing for catastrophic patterns that aren't happening. In this episode, we b...

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Jan. 6, 2023

5 Parenting Phrases You Should Use At Every Age

We previously detailed the parenting phrases we hate (and why you should considering dropping them.) In this week’s episode, we head in the other direction: the parenting phrases we love, how they help with emotional manageme...

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Dec. 30, 2022

Unpacking and Breaking Your Habits That Self Soothe

Habits can be good and bad, hard to start and even more challenging to break. Our brains like them and they often serve a purpose to self-soothe. To begin the new year, we dive into habits: how to break the bad ones and devel...

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Dec. 23, 2022

Best Of Holiday Listener Questions: Blended Families and Angry Teens

For some families, holidays bring out their toughest dynamics. How do divorced parents manage a blended holiday putting their kids first? What if you have a house of angry teenagers with one of them recently in crisis? Is it ...

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Dec. 16, 2022

An Episode To All College & High School Students and the People that …

Many listeners have asked for an episode that talks directly to teens. Here it is. With many high schoolers dealing with unhealthy stress, and worn out college students returning home for break, Lynn offers some concrete advi...

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Dec. 9, 2022

When is hoarding in adults and kids related to OCD?

Your child won’t give away any old clothes, even though they are 3 sizes too small. Your daughter saves gum wrappers and broken crayons and stashes them under her bed. Are they hoarders? Or collectors? Is it OCD? In this epis...

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Dec. 2, 2022

Is High Functioning Anxiety Really A Thing?

The term High Functioning Anxiety has been showing up, used to describe those that feel anxious but perform at a high level. Criteria are given, symptoms are listed. Is this a new category of anxiety and does this label offer...

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Nov. 25, 2022

When Anxiety Shows Up as Anger

Anxiety, anger— and even aggression— can hang out together. Remember, it’s FIGHT or flight, and when we combine poor emotional management and a desire to avoid, behavior escalates. But even though we understand it, it’s not a...

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Nov. 18, 2022

How to Build Healthy Boundaries (And What That Means!)

The term “boundary” is everywhere these days. The importance of creating and setting them is being discussed all over, from therapy sessions to Tik Tok videos. But what is a healthy boundary? We’re heading into the holiday se...

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Nov. 11, 2022

How to Support Your Anxious Child 101

This episode tackles the question we hear most often from our new listeners: how do I support my anxious child? Lynn lays out the three keys for parents: information about how anxiety works, owning family patterns, and moving...

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Nov. 4, 2022

What You Should Know About Anxiety and Exercise

In this episode, we talk about exercise and anxiety and our moods. One of us loves it, and one of totally gets the value but compares it to a “cat being put out in the rain.” Most of know the benefits (although there’s new re...

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Oct. 28, 2022

What to Say To The People Who Don't Get Anxiety

We tackle the statements our friends and families use when they're staying stuck in their anxiety patterns. If you hear them or use them, listen up. We have responses ready to go. BUY LYNN'S NEW BOOK, THE ANXIETY AUDIT Lynn's...

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Oct. 21, 2022

6 Parenting Phrases We Hate (and Why)

Some parenting phrases are so common, they border on cliche. And a good portion of them push all of Lynn and Robin’s buttons. In this episode we go after six of the offenders, phrases that sound harmless but are not. Listener...

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Oct. 14, 2022

When do you push your kid towards the thing they are afraid of? A gui…

Most have heard of exposure therapy. If you’re scared of snakes, wrap one around your neck! Afraid of elevators? Get in! Research shows that it works, but there’s more to it than just pushing yourself—or your child—into the f...

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Oct. 7, 2022

Tackling Meltdowns: A Guide for Kids, Teens, and Adults

In this episode, a listener is surprised that her 8 year old is still having big meltdowns and asks if this is common in anxious. While we associate emotional meltdowns and tantrums with little children, they can happen at an...

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Sept. 30, 2022

When Should Therapy End?

The decision when and if to begin therapy is often discussed, but the next steps (like when to stop) don’t get much attention. The mom of a 19 year old has found therapy very helpful for her daughter, but, she wonders, when d...

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